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Live Fish - In Stock
Live Fish - In Stock
Buy high quality tropical fish in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and all UAE with free delivery. Offering you a healthy, clean, and prescreened selection of compatible freshwater stocks from a single safe source. All orders are hand delivered by our Discus.ae delivery service and packed following the professional breeder guidelines. Can't find what you're looking for? We can help! Contact us by clicking here to offer our assistance.
70 العناصر
Amano Shrimp
من Dhs 10.50
Kuhlii Loach
Dhs 6.83
Assassin Snail
Dhs 10.50
Yellow Horned Snail
Dhs 8.40
Black Neon Tetra
Dhs 3.15
Oto Catfish
Dhs 15.75
Dream blue
من Dhs 15.75
Sunkist Orange
من Dhs 5.25
Cherry Barb
من Dhs 5.25
Golden Back Shrimp
Dhs 6.30
Neon Dwarf Rainbow
Dhs 7.35
Red Ramshorn Snail
Dhs 8.40
Rosy Tetra
Dhs 5.25
Serpae Tetra
Dhs 5.25
Corydoras Albino
من Dhs 10.50
Black Helmet Snail
Dhs 8.40
Blue Neon Goby
Dhs 12.60
Diamond Tetra
Dhs 8.40
Snow Ball Shrimp
من Dhs 7.88
Naked Micro Rasbora
Dhs 8.40
Bolivian Ramirezi
Dhs 15.75
Ruby Barb
Dhs 6.30
Tiger Barb
من Dhs 6.30
Platinum Gourami
Dhs 5.25
Red Lizard Whiptail
من Dhs 21.00
Apistogramma Pandourini
Dhs 15.75
Royal Whiptail
Dhs 23.10
Boesemani Rainbow
Dhs 15.75
Apistogramma Agassizii Fire Gold
من Dhs 28.35
Red Belly Tetra
Dhs 4.20
Colombian Tetra
من Dhs 6.30
Zebra Danio
Dhs 4.20
German Blue Ram (Special)
من Dhs 47.25
Pristella Tetra
Dhs 5.25
Corydoras Similis
Dhs 15.75
Gertrudae Rainbowfish
Dhs 14.70
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