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Shop EHEIM products in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and all UAE, made in Germany and includes air pumps, filters, heaters and more! Products can be found easier by viewing our different categories and sections. Can't find what you're looking for? We can help! Contact us by clicking here to offer our assistance.
15 items
EHEIM SubstratPro
Dhs 84.00
EHEIM Heater thermocontrol
From Dhs 114.45
EHEIM Classic 350
Dhs 452.84
Dhs 599.00
EHEIM professionel 5e 700
Dhs 1,888.95
EHEIM professionel 5e 450
Dhs 1,783.95
EHEIM professionel 5e 350
Dhs 1,678.95
EHEIM Reeflex UV 800
Dhs 755.21
EHEIM Reeflex UV 500
Dhs 619.50
EHEIM Air Pump 100
Dhs 187.95
EHEIM Air Pump 400
Dhs 261.45
EHEIM Air Pump 200
Dhs 208.95
EHEIM Classic 1500XL
Dhs 2,098.95
EHEIM Classic 600
Dhs 823.20
EHEIM Classic 250
Dhs 356.11
Dhs 399.00
EHEIM Classic 150
Dhs 261.45